March 6, 2006

It's Relaxing

Walking around thinking about dharma, what a waste.
Here's what I recommend:
Sitting down and relaxing partially,
Let your mind take its normal course.
Watch it, don't judge it.

Relax a little more:
If you're not introduced to mind's nature, get that.
See the thoughts without more thinking
And their appearance will be seen to include a seemingness.

Relax a little more.
Thoughts don't mean anything.
Even so, everything's just fine!

Thoughts like, "I'm meditating" or " Am I doing it?"
Are just leaves growing on the tree of creative habit, so...

Things seem to be more and less important now,
But they aren't.

From clarity,
Finding mind's nature and its creativeness;
It's relaxing.


  1. time passes quickly, in that state of mind, even when it comes naturally, one must exist within the hairline balance of dreamworld and reality......i meant to write yesterday, in response to your wonderful words, yet here it is a month and more later,.......i meant to start that meditation group within the new year,.....oh, how many twists and turns of karma and life's demands have kept me from my heart's desire......Great Teachers, stand beside me, give me guidance, focus and strength to complete this vow,....i will not and shall not give up for even my intention will lay the ground work for the dharma to appear, here in this land without dharma knowledge, this lala land of paradise, which is a wonderful hell realm of dilusion.......this upon this easter time i pray.........

  2. AnonymousMay 06, 2006

    how blessed we are to hear the dharma, contemplate the dharma, expound the dharma........oh,son of noble family, how blessed we are to hear from you the dharma, to contemplate the dharma with you, to expound the dharma with you,.........we pray to be united with the awareness of dharma knowledge in every lifetime, and to never be separated from the blessings of our teachers, even for a momment..........
