December 27, 2004

New Use of Language and Sunyata

From the book Calm and Clear, by Lama Mipham, (Dharma Press, 1973), in the foreword written by the great translator and the greatest modern describer of the process of awakening, Herbert Guenther:
Parenthetical meathead statements are by Solburger.

From pp. 12-13:
Tarthang Tulku belongs to the 'Old Tradition', and when we met I had been looking for a representative of this tradition, who would be willing to share his knowledge with those eager to learn more rather than to be content with the few crumbs available. And so, when Tarthang Tulku on my recommendation became a fellow at the Sanskrit University, a time of a most prosperous co-operation began, for Tarthang Tulku was eager to have his tradition known and kept alive, while I was interested in what the 'living spirit' of Buddhism might have to say to modern man. I did not believe that anything had been said when, as is still customary among many academic circles, it is for instance stated that the Tibetan word stong-pa-nyid is the translation of the Sanskrit word sunyata and when the person to whom this profound statement is addressed is not told what those persons who used either word wanted to convey to their listeners. So Tarthang Tulku and I sat together, checking each interpretation of ideas against their textual background in the light of the use of these terms within a given context. For, let it be said quite plainly, we do not understand words and, even less so, ideas by their etymology or their origin, but by the way in which the speaker uses them. (wow).

from pp. 15-16:
Most of our experiences are filtered through a system of categories, constructs, fictions, and rubrics, always ego-centered on the assumption that the world can be seen only from the vantage point of the interests or demands of the perceiver. Such demanding perception actually distorts whatever is so perceived; it is always an attempt to force things to be what they never can be and the self-defeating struggle against a natural response to things by just letting them be. (How pure). Letting things be is another way of getting things into proper perspective. As contrasted with the prevous preoccupation with the fictions of one's own making and imposing them on what there is, it seems as if mind has become 'empty'. (Aha, more seemingness of a nihilist emptiness). It is unfortunate that our language has to use this misleading term for an original term that has nothing in it of this negativism. (That's why we don't run around saying "sunyata, man: emptiness, emptiness," since no one gets it). What has happened is not that mind is lost in a bleak desert or in desolate wastelands in which there is literally nothing, but that it has been enriched beyond measure and that this richness defies any comparison with the paltry contents of ordinary perception. (Whoh....kaboom, fireworks....repeat that please!!!!)
What has happened is not that mind is lost in a bleak desert or in desolate wastelands in which there is literally nothing, but that it has been enriched beyond measure and that this richness defies any comparison with the paltry contents of ordinary perception. (!!)

In the same way as the body is not denied or despised by contrasting it with an allegedly superior mind, so also mind is not suppressed for the sake of a hysterically advertised 'spirituality'. What we call 'body' and 'mind' are mere abstractions from an identity experience that cannot be reduced to the one or the other abstraction, nor can it be hypostatized into some sort of thing without falsifying its very being. (And enough with the "body, mind and spirit" hokum while you're at it). Thus Buddhist meditation differs from other forms by helping man to be, rather than to subordinate him to something or other or to wipe him out by demanding the impossible. By restoring man's being it is therapeutical in the best sense of the word. (Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Peace at last. This may be one of the greatest statements ever made. Take the day off and use this to self correct your whole orientation to life and spiritual approach).

More of the Same

Because of the wondrous truth I have found,
The inner realizations of the supreme information,
I had a good day today,
And I'm not worried about tomorrow.

And here the miracle of miracles:
Stupidity works in my favor!
(And I have plenty to go around)
Didn't know it could be better than transformation!
The meal is consumed.
Today I will rest on the pillow of emptiness,
Tomorrow, more of the same.

FlowWorld, ©2004

November 8, 2004

How Much Energy?

How much energy would it take to accomplish the view and meditation into fruition?
The energy that you normally waste would do the job.
It's a giant thing to clarify
How our ego path is confusion and waste of energy,
And that you have all the basic materials.

November 1, 2004

Welcome to the DogZen Blog, a Teaching Panoblog

For the new folks coming online, I thought I would mention the current topic we are presenting on the DogZen Blog. Since Zen, Tao, and other esoteric teachings have paticular understandings about the world that we can't put in a conventional intellectual box, I choose to represent this special knowledge in an unconventional panoply. This discussion is for adults who are willing to marshall their very best to address the questions of the ages. You may wish to consider the topics something that must be brought into a mature understanding in order for you to be fully human.

Please read all the past posts. The current topic is focusing around the critical topic of NIHILISM and its effect on us. So at this time, the panoply dances around this topic. Of course you regulars already knew that. A few posts back there was a pronouncement that you and I are infected by IT, and that this Factor "N" will hurt you. If you don't know what nihilism means, it's when you believe that you think you are real as the way you see yourself...AND, that that very "self" will "die". It is inferred that this belief "Factor" will effect almost everything you do, to your detriment. Even if you think of yourself as a spiritual person, you probably are really nihilistic, and that's why you need this. This is a first main reason why people are not progressing on a spirtual path.

The ongoing topic will be natural wisdom mind, which never ceases to be, and so is always up for discussion. But at this time, it must be spoken of in context with "nihlism". Thanks for trying.

I would like to see everyone go much deeper into the panoply discussion and contemplate on the current. If you can follow and do the self-motivated exercises that are obvious to some of you, you will be learning very advanced types of meditation. Those of you with a traditional background in Mahamudra and Dzogchen, or Zen, you are very welcome. Please understand that I am trying to avoid the use of traditional style of teaching, honoring the tradition of freedom, because I believe that we can speak mostly in ordinary language, (hopefully with extraordinary understanding.)

Everything posted is in an order and has meaningiful and personal. Every post is interrelated. If you can't see the connection, try harder and reread everything. Real seeking makes for real finding. Sincere questions and comments are welcome, just leave a comment. Good questions may be posted on the main post for all to consider.

Please use this resourse to benefit yourself, and ultimitely, others, as you have wanted all along. Batton down the hatches! You can conquer your own illusions, so gird your loins; sleeper, awake!

October 29, 2004

Repeating Why this Blog Exists...

I find it exciting that the internet provides a medium that is stimulating people to think. I have seen a growing group of internet writers who, for example, can intelligently pick apart the mainstream media's ample biases. Now that people are starting their own web newpaper/blog, the net seems to be bringing out scores of decent writers who would otherwise not be writing.

I find it exciting that hundreds of internet writers can intelligently pick apart the mainstream media. There seems to be many natural writers who can address issues with scientific and lawyer-like prowess, and often, a sense of humor to boot.

At the same time I find it disappointing that no one out there seems to be able to discuss the profound questions of our age with the same type of discrimination. The questions about dharma, life's meaning, seem overlooked or ignored. There are other things to discuss besides nihilist issues. The real stuff is sadly missing.

I guess I should say what I am trying to do here.... throw out bones for trans-nihilists to chew on.

Is there a chance that you are blocked from a real path because you have you been Oprafied (shallow-psychological approach)? Are you holding elitist attitudes from college? Still have a hippie's mind? I believe there must be a few exceptional people out there who can think for themselves.

We can get unstuck if we are determined, non-wimpy.

With that, would anyone like to participate in the mystical pursuits of life, or have you assimilated too far into the cult of of the big "N"? Didn't you read (and look at) the posts below? Please, please argue with me and say that nihlism, (the focus on this material life only,) is a good thing.....otherwise, it's too sad.

October 27, 2004

Countin' Signs

Running on the 14 Line,
Gonna see the morning light real soon.
The bus is cutting fog,
I can see the sunlight dim the moon.

Many a day I’ve been paddling down this creek.
I'll find my way
I’ve been traveling now for weeks.
Ask me where I’m going and why,
I’ll just say, “Well, that’s up to me”...
Cause when I’m traveling the roads and countin' signs
It’s the time when I feel free.

Gonna get my license back
Gonna get a rig with a nice smooth ride
Gonna take a nice long cruise
Gonna have my baby by my side

What I had, what I have and what will be
It's crusin' along, it’s just another highway dream.
Tell me your problems
And you’ll probably think I’m mean,
Cause it’s flowing, it’s coming and going
It was never quite what it seemed.

Fall is coming fast
Ducks landing in a glistening roadside pond.
Earth, water, sun and sky.
If I see much more it might be God.

When I arise I rub my eyes and drink a pot of coffee,
That's the medicine for me.
Taking off with the wind in my face,
Feelin' fine as I can be.
If they want to to know where I went,
I’m out looking for Bobbie McGee,
Cause when I’m traveling the roads and countin' signs
It’s the time when I feel free.

lyric and song, Countin' Signs © 2008, S. T. Triane

October 25, 2004


Stevester and Lucas' meditation song by Sara Evans, "Suds in the Bucket," just hit number one on the country charts. You can't stop the world, resistance to change, shame, surprise, choices, and...that joyful cruise into infinity that music can do so well. What else do you need? Getting a handle on any real honest human feeling, anything could be your opening. Just one speck of honesty might do it.

"Now don't you wonder what the preacher's gonna preach about Sunday morning
Nothin' quite like this has happened here before
Well he must have been a looker - smooth talkin' son of a gun
For such a grounded girl - to just up and run.
A little pony-tailed girl growed up to be a woman,
Now she's gone in the blink of an eye
She left the suds in the bucket
And the clothes hanging out on the line."

October 16, 2004

Who Do You Love?

Who Do You Love?

I walked 47 miles of barbed wire,
Used a cobra snake for a neck tie.
Got a brand new house on the roadside,
Made out of rattlesnake hide.
I got a brand new chimney made on top,
Made out of human skulls.
Now come on darling let's take a little walk, tell me,
Who do you love,
Who do you love, Who do you love, Who do you love.

Arlene took me by the hand,
And said oooh eeeh daddy I understand.
Who do you love,
Who do you love, Who do you love, Who do you love.
The night was black and the night was blue,
And around the corner an ice wagon flew.
A bump was a hittin' lord and somebody screemed,
You should have heard just what I seen.
Who do you love, Who do you love, Who do you love, Who do you love.

Arleen took me by my hand, she said Ooo-ee Bo you know I understand
I got a tombstone hand and a graveyard mind,
I lived long enough and I ain't scared of dying.

Who do you love (4x's)

by Bo Diddley

September 3, 2004

Rules in The Lotus

In general, we or any group of modern practitioners of the Awakening to the Mystery In What Is need to discuss and agree on some of the stabilizing rules for such an undertaking. We will also need to bring this to each serious student so they too can use it for their own preparation and stabilization in the non-process/process.

Some Rules that need attention include:

The Three-Part Dedication.
Dedication (samaya) means that if somebody is breaking the confidence of the highest good, sealed by the three commitments, they then need to make the corrections to the error or will need to remove their karmic weight so it doesn’t remain a hindrance in the group motility. The Lotus Organization and every field-related school require these commitments (the samaya of nature, manifesting wisdom mandala, and of the compassion of universal interconnectedness), which can and should be studied and understood more and more deeply through instructional pointing-out and ongoing proper practice. If commitments are breached or practices off kilter or empowerments are interpreted conceptually, then these problems must be fixed or the student will have to break with the group for the best outcome under the circumstances.

The Attitude.
The general attitude of working with other practitioners of the Way of Enlightenment is one of of a sense of unity (with everything), integrity, mutual respect (particularly for those daring to be in the mystery) and support (particularly for those). Any less is considered a problem.

The Aspiration.
The most important quality for movement on any true spiritual path is aspiration. There is concern when it is lacking, confidence when it is not.

The Need to Show Growth.
Since we are lost and have discovered the map back home, each human properly following the map of rediscovering their magic will show growth. This is observable by the instructor both through intuition, energy work testing and verbal testing and their inter working with the group. This is not saying anything about the difficulty of the path and the ability of the students or benefactors which is necessary in order to decode and use the map and travel to one’s destination. But look: this is not a perfect endeavor, the more you expect, the more trouble. There are layers of briars and wild animals that the student must pass through. Major and minor obstacles. But its all doable, or Jesus, Buddha and Lao Tsu are nothing but liars. But well done is still must be.

It is not unusual that people needily think they want to join something. We are not such a society for that person. Your natural awakening is a living and awake work. It resides naturally in consort with others and a constant correction of interaction. Those who are not equipped to go just yet. That is the way it is, it’s a discussion for another time. Joining the “Mandala of the Lotus” is esoteric integration of a combination of knowledge and being, not a bunch of genuflecting, reciting, rote learning or a pleasant teacher-student non-relationship. For this reason, we need to pay particular attention to newer students and pay attention to the core motivations which must be a love for bliss-openness honest integrity (bodhichitta), the desire to benefit self and others beyond ordinary beliefs in temporary dense or eternal light phenomena building more and more into the actual warmth of healing.

I’ve always wondered why
People are infatuated with objects and activity
While ignoring their cloud of perception?
Perhaps their mind seems subtle,
Beside the point.

So please march on.
I don’t want to bother you,
Because it’s going to hurt
Looking into your mind
And not knowing the first thing to do;
A beginner in a vast, limitless land.

(But if you have what it takes
I’m so glad for you.
You’ll get what you need,
With the power to succeed.)
olde dog

September 1, 2004

DogZen: Part One, The Epic Story of You

It's too simple to understand. It's right in your face so you can't see it.

Everything posted is in an order; it's meaningful, it's personal. Every post is interrelated. If you can't see the connection, try harder and reread it all. Honest seeking makes for some real finding. Sincere questions and comments are welcome by writing to contact@thelotus DOT ORG. Good questions may be posted on the main post for all to consider.

Please use this resource to benefit yourself, and ultimately, others, as you have wanted all along. Batten down the hatches! You can conquer your own illusions, so gird your loins; sleepers, awake!